"Your Brain on Exercise" Webinar Now Online
Keeping your brain healthy now and in the future From increasing your mental health today to decreasing brain health risks
Keeping your brain healthy now and in the future From increasing your mental health today to decreasing brain health risks
From increasing your mental health today to decreasing brain health risks such as dementia years down the road, exercise is one of the most powerful ways to help your brain.
With the CSEBA Wellness Series: “Your Brain on Exercise” webinar, you'll learn how to get the most benefits for your brain through physical activity. Led by Ryan Glatt, a brain health coach and functional aging specialist, the webinar includes:
At the Pacific Brain Health Center, Glatt works with individuals with a cognitive complaint or a neurological condition, as well as people who want to prevent brain issues. He notes that many of the changes in our brain can take place 10 years or more prior to a diagnosis or any form of significant cognitive change. This is why aiming for better brain health as soon as possible is crucial, and he compares taking care of your brain to a 401K.
“We want to consider putting more into our 401K for our brain so that at the end we have resources to be able to do the things we love and be able to interact with those that we love,” says Glatt.