Information on training and reporting requirements for mandated reporters in schools
For over 33 years, the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) has helped keep students safe by maintaining the NASDTEC Educator Identification Clearinghouse (Clearinghouse). Participants in the Clearinghouse have the obligation to submit accurate and timely information about educators against whom final adverse certification/license action has been taken and the right to access similar information submitted by other NASDTEC members. NASDTEC is dedicated to providing leadership and support to those responsible for the preparation, certification/licensure, ethical and professional practice and continuing professional development of educators. As a CSRM member, your district will be provided a subscription to the Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse is a searchable electronic database accessed through a secure portal via a unique log-on and password issued only to NASDTEC member jurisdictions and subscribing LEAs. There is no additional cost to the district for this service.
One step we need to take is to set up each of the CSRM member districts with an agreement between the district and NASDTEC. In order to get you an agreement, we will need a point of contact (POC) from the district and the following information:
✓ POC Name
✓ POC Title
✓ POC Email
✓ District Address
For additional resources, please visit our SAM resource page
For State information, please visit